offered in season. November. December 11th - January 26th

be part of the hunt.

Duck Hunting in Florida

The Florida duck season is fast approaching and booking a guided adventure with professional duck hunting guides is the ultimate way to enjoy the best duck hunting state in style.

Whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned duck hunter counting down the days until your next trip, get in touch to begin the ultimate adventure now.

Why You Should Book Your Duck Hunting Trip With Us

If you’re interested in duck hunting our guided hunting packages are the perfect solution. 

Joining us on a hunting trip guarantees that you can enjoy the very best of duck hunting Florida has to offer.

Duck hunting in Florida is fun and fast while it boasts a distinct vibe that you won’t get anywhere else in the country. Every enthusiast needs to explore duck hunting in the Sunshine at least once. This upcoming season is the perfect time to finally make it happen.

Duck Hunting Guides

Our experienced duck hunting guides are the best. They will help you get the most out of your adventures this upcoming duck hunting season.

We are local experts who have helped hundreds of duck hunters in the Sunshine State over the years and will provide daily guided tours this Florida duck season. 

By completing a guided duck hunt, you will enjoy a range of benefits that simply cannot be experienced on an unguided hunt. Some of the key features include;

  • Gain access to the best duck hunting spots in North Florida

  • Learn about the species, including the difference between drakes and hens.

  • Get tips from our guides, which can be very useful for inexperienced hunters,

  • Gain peace of mind by knowing that your duck hunting in Florida is legal.

Types of Ducks You Will Hunt

One of the chief reasons that Florida is the best duck hunting state is that you will have the opportunity to hunt a wide variety of duck breeds. The species that you may see during your hunt include but are not limited to;

  • Redheads - medium-sized diving ducks. The male ducks usually have a cinnamony-redhead, a black breast and tail, and a light gray body. As for the female ducks and young ducklings, they’re plain brown all over.

  • Buffleheads - also referred to as Bucephala Albeola, they are small sea birds. The males are black and white with green and purple iridescence. Females sport a small white patch on each side of the head.

  • Lesser bluebills - also known as Lesser Scaup, the diving bird is a medium-sized duck. The males are primarily black with lighter tones on the back while the females are brown in color.

  • Greater bluebills - the Greater Scaup, or Aythya Marila, can grow up to 33” in length and has blue or yellow eyes.

  • Goldeneye - instantly recognizable thanks to their golden eyes and yellow feet, the males have a hint of green to their heads whereas the females have dark brown heads. 

  • Canvasback - the large diving duck is the largest of its genus. Red eyes, a white body, and brown head provide a distinct and striking appearance.

  • Bluewing - also known as the Spatula Discors, the male sports a white facial crescent that separates the greyish and blue features. The mottled brown female has a white section near the base of the bill.

  • Greenwing teal - the Anas Carolinensis is a small dabbling duck measuring just 12-15” and has a chestnut head with green eye patch.

  • Wood ducks - the Aix Sponsa, also called the Carolina duck, has a signature crested head while the males are multi-colored and the females are speckled. 

  • Pintail - the dabbling duck, also known as Anas Acuta, is identified by its long, pointed tail feathers. Males are a chestnut color while females are mottled brown,

  • Gadwall - also known as Mareca Strepera, they feature grey plumage while adults are 18-22” in length.

  • Ringneck ducks - the males have a distinct appearance of shiny back and black head, yellow eyes, and a white breast while females are grey with black or dark brown eyes.

  • Red breasted merganser - the Mergus Serrator is a diving duck that is characterized by its spiky crest and long thin red bill while adults measure 20-24”.

Morning Duck Hunting:

6:00 - 10:30 AM.

$250 per person.

Afternoon Duck Hunting:

2:30 PM - Sunset.

$250 Per Perso

Deposit is $250per person for all day hunts and $125 for half day hunts

***all deposits are non refundable***



Any duck hunting groups less than 4 may be combined with another group if need be. A group of 4 will have a dedicated guide and will not be combined with another group. All duck hunters are required to wear waders. If you or a person of your group doesn’t have or can’t get waders, isn’t capable of standing in water for extended periods of time, isn’t capable of getting into or out of a layout boat, please let me know at time of booking so special arrangements can be made or options can be discussed. Please, let me know well in advance so I can plan accordingly rather than scramble to make arrangements the morning of the hunt. Later in the season this could have a significant impact on the success of your hunt. Early season hunts are typically done from shore or from boat. These are much easier hunts for children, elderly, mobility impaired people. Typically the first 4-5 weeks of the season allow us to utilize boat blinds and shore blinds. Later in the season birds get weary and avoid land and large boat blinds. This is when we utilize other methods such as layout boats, small standing blinds, and other less intrusive methods of concealing hunters.

Duck Hunting Pricing Information

Deposit for full day hunts are $150 per person and are non refundable

All hunts are paid in full before hunt starts. Deposit is made at time of booking per person and is non refundable. Due to the limited time available during duck, turkey, or gator season’s deposits are not transferable. If the hunter fails to show on scheduled date and time, the deposit will be forfeited. If your hunting party is a group of 4 and only three show up, the fourth deposit will be forfeited and not count towards the balance of another hunter. We have canceled hunts due to lack of birds, extreme cold(gator season only) and storms. In this case deposits would be transferred to another date.

Contact Stephanie with payment questions. 850-363-4648 or

What to Bring Duck Hunting

When planning your adventure for hunting duck in the Sunshine State, ensuring that you pack the necessary equipment is crucial for success. Whether you book a full day or half day of duck hunting with us, the following items will be included; 

  • Decoys

  • Guide

  • Safety equipment

Waders are MUST to have for you to have on your hunt. Other items that you need to consider include camouflaged clothing, food and drink, lodgings, and personal items. It is also your responsibility to ensure that your hunting license, duck stamp, migratory bird permit, and Florida waterfowl permit are in order - our friendly experts are more than happy to guide you through the process.

After the hunt, we can also arrange for professional taxidermy services should you require them. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or a first-time enthusiast, come and join us in Florida duck season for a truly exhilarating experience.